Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dedication to my Exes

What will you say to your ex when you meet him/her?

Will you ...

- Avoid and shy away him/her
- Greet him/her like a normal friend and stay as friends
- Or tell/show him/her just how good you are without him/her in your life.

This Hari Raya, I only visited 4 houses so far; and I met 2 of my exes at 2 of the houses respectively. We didn't greet and I am sure they saw me. I was wondering why on earth I was so head over heels in love with them in the past. Maybe when the feelings are all gone, this is when I could see more clearly what the whole fuss was. And I was actually proving to them how good and happy my life is without them.
So if I have chance to talk to them, I would say "Thanks for the memory!", as if they really care lol

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