Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bibliophilia - hobby or illness?

I love books. I have a whole cupboard full of books.

I don't just buy any books. I love novels written by Anne Rice, travel guides and cookbooks. I was watching an episode from Hell Kitchen and the lady was telling Gordon Ramsay that people buy cookbooks as if they are buying porns.

Anyway, I just bought the following books from Amazon UK. With our favourable exchange rates with teh British pounds, things are cheaper than it used to be.

Lonely Planet: Eastern Europe
Since I am travelling to Czech Republic and Bulgaria this December, I will travel with one of my favourite lonely planet guides

Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food
I have all Jamie (JMe) Oliver's books. Hahaha, what a name - Ministry of Food! This book has a step-by-step pictures for the recipes. It is not difficult to follow his recipes. Excellent for beginners to cooking :) Healthy yet delish!

Nigella Christmas
Christmas is near and I am thinking of cooking a Christmas feast sometime (this year or in future). Again I have all her books, so this one is not to be missed, especially for people who are cooking for Christmas or any parties.

The Man in Seat 61
Mark Smith has an excellent website on which gives excellent information on train travel in different countries. One let down of this book is that it focuses on European travel and very UK-based. So it is not that suitable for travellers planning to travel from other countries.

One thing for sure, I am NOT a bookworm.

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