Sunday, September 21, 2008

How can your holiday be spoilt?

I have encountered several ways of how my holiday was spoilt

Event 1 (Night train from Leipzig, Germany to Warsaw, Poland)
My luggage was stolen on my second day of my 2-month holiday in Europe by rail. Apparently we were gassed while asleep in the train. The thieves were able to go through the luggage, and stole the valuables.

Event 2 (Siam Reap, Cambodia)
I was so looking forward to taking photos on my trip to Angkor Watt. The day just before our trip to the temples, when my friend returned me my camera after taking my pictures, it accidentally hit the ground. So, I couldn’t take any pictures on the trip.

Event 3 (Dubai, UAE to Paris, France)
I arrived in Paris and my luggage arrived 2 days after me. My luggage was still in Dubai and the check in personnel at Dubai airport didn’t bother to make sure if my luggage was going through to Paris. The feeling wasn’t great when I had to shop for all necessities on my first day of arrival.

So how can the spoilt holiday be unspoiled?

Just think positive and look for any contingency plans (e.g. extra cash). Nothing else you can do. That’s simple.

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